I have never been there before. The first impression of Stonehenge was spiritual stones and smaller than I expected, but it was still huge. Nothing is around it. Only huge green field was present. I mean Stonehenge is surrounded by lots of green field and nature, and one of the spot which gives me a power. I like it. We don't have anything but seeing it there, though. Can you imagine that one architect built it 2000 years ago? It is probably easier to built now, but 2000 years ago, they should not have any useful tools. They might be very clever. We don't have any spot like it in Japan, so I cannot see similar one!! It was very precious experience for me.
I also have never been there. I went to the Roman Baths, Royal crescent, and the circle. The Roman baths were amazing!!!! We had been wandering inside for an hour by the time I met up with each other outside. Even now, the spring hot water is coming out from the bottom of it. I was surprised!! I ran towards there, and I thought it is very close to Japanese style natural spa. Water was dusty, though.It made me miss my bath in Japan. hehe Moreover, I wondered one thing that why English people today don't have a habit taking a bath. Basically, they take a shower. The ancient people took a bath, though. At the end of the Roman bath tour, I drank a small cup of spring water. To be honest, the taste was not good... I couldn't drink over. I don't know how I should explain about how it was, but it was awful for me...

After that, I ate the big ice cream; double scoop waffle corn, mint choco chip and strawberry. It was awesome!!!! I was getting cold, but I was happy to eat it, so that was alright.
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